BASG Executive Minutes 09.11.2020




Date & Time: 9 November 2020 at 18.00 hours


Location: Virtual meeting through Zoom







Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Maggi Bull,

Joanne Marchant, Gwyneth Langley, Peter Learner, Bernadette Allison (Secretary)



Jo Pearce joined the meeting at 18.25




Agenda Subject






Apologies for absence







Notification of any other business







Declaration of interest



Maggi Bull – Chair of NGA

Gwyneth Langley – BEP




Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 12.10.2020



Matters arising within the minutes including follow up actions are covered within the agenda.


Minutes approved.
















New members to join BASG Executive Committee – PR intends to follow up with governors who expressed an interest at the last AGM.












BEP update


BASG wish to ensure that concerns and questions raised by governors are being fed back into to the communication network within Bucks.


GL highlighted the following matters which have been raised most recently by governors:

·         Challenge of Governor visits to schools during the present pandemic

·         Ongoing Training

·         Child Protection Policy not being updated by BC

·         Completion of SFVS by 31.12.2020


The group was reminded that there is a BEP Chair’s briefing (for all Chairs with or without training membership) on 13.11.2020 from 9.30-11.30

BEP will mention BASG events at the briefing and for governors interested in joining Executive Committee to contact Chair (PR)


PR and MB will follow up on the review of policies within BC


PL requested that a short paper be prepared to explain what the issues are and any consequences with a relevant timeline.

This will then be reviewed in the light of future Consultative Board meetings.


JP joined the meeting at 18.25
























PR/MG-to follow up














Discussion took place regarding the difficulties for schools to manage when half a class is isolating and the staffing issue of who teaches the other half of the class while the teacher is isolating.


COVID19 tests kits are being replenished in schools.

Teachers in maintained schools are being prioritized for testing.


Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are carrying out spot checks in Buckinghamshire Schools with one week’s notice. The focus is on the Risk Assessments used for opening schools. They are reporting on health and safety provisions during COVID for adults / workers at the School.

They look at the risk assessments for re-opening prior to the visit and then tour the school to see the safety measures ‘in action’.













Networking groups


Aylesbury networking group

In an attempt to avoid a clash of dates with BASG, the Aylesbury networking group have delayed arranging a date for the next meeting.


Jordans networking group – met virtually on Saturday 7th November, 2020.

Discussion took place around Disadvantaged funding and how this is allocated across the authority. The group felt it was important to have transparency regarding this funding and the opportunity for open and honest discussion. The only purpose being to facilitate the best possible use of funds for the Disadvantaged. This is an on-going discussion within the authority.

Discussion also took place around the use of DSG money outside of Buckinghamshire.

This is also an on-going discussion.


No news on Chesham or Wendover Networking groups.














BASG events


BASG AGM – 14.01.2021 with Keynote speaker Emma Knights OBE (Chief Executive NGA)


In addition:


BASG Spotlight on Disadvantage with Sam Henson (Director of Policy and Information NGA) on either 30.11.2020 or 01.12.2020 tbc by PR.















Communication with BC


PR continues to keep in regular contact with BC which continues to facilitate a positive and growing trust across the authority for the role and purpose of governors.











Consultative Board


As Chair of the Consultative Board, PL reported that he had a positive 1:1 introductory meeting with Simon James.



The next Consultative Board meeting will be held on 9th December, 2020.







School meals

AS expressed the need for clarification on what arrangements there are within BC for the funding of the increase in FSM.






Date and venue of next meeting


It was recommended that all meetings continue in the Autumn Term 2020 in a virtual format.


The date for the next meeting of the BASG Executive group TBC


Meeting closed at 19.34