BASG Executive Minutes 14/9/2020




Date & Time: 14 September 2020 at 18.00 hours


Location: Virtual meeting through Zoom







Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Maggi Bull,

Joanne Marchant, Peter Lerner, Gwyneth Langley, Bernadette Allison (Secretary)


Jo Pearce



Agenda Subject






Apologies for absence



Jo Pearce




Notification of any other business



Communication – PR with BC/governors

(covered under Agenda item 10)




Declaration of interest



Maggi Bull – Chair of NGA

Gwyneth Langley – BEP




Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 17.08.2020



Minutes approved


Follow up is on-going and addressed within the agenda


AS has been involved with the on-going follow up with PGL


If any schools are in the process of this, AS is happy to share her experiences about a possible resolution

















PR informed the group that Tomas Pukalski has requested that he does not attend meetings at present. He is happy to support with the maintenance of website and technical support, if required.


The Executive group wished to thank TP for his work for BASG and his contribution to the refreshed website.


The group discussed new membership to the committee and routes to take in order to achieve this. Networking groups may be a possible route, communication through BEP may be another.















BEP update


GL gave comprehensive feedback of queries/questions BEP have received from other governors within Buckinghamshire.


These are:

·         Concerns about procedural matters during the present pandemic and how the virtual situation can proceed

·         Governor elections

·         Safeguarding

·         Provision of training for Managing allegations

·         SFVS – when will the deadline be this year (31.12.2020?)

·         Expectations from BC for Home Learning (DfE has issued a document outlining this)

·         Attendance – clarification that Home Learning is not an option if pupil does not need to isolate

·         LA appointment of governors


It is useful to have this overview of concerns across the authority and MB will make sure that the Consultative Board are kept up to date, so the voice of governors is being heard and a cyclical approach to communication is being actioned.








Schools opening for more pupils


It has been encouraging to see positive reports through the media although there does still seem to be some confusion in social media.


There do seem to be some issues with social distancing outside schools at the end of the school day.

Good information is also being communicated through risk assessments including for Before and After School activities.













Networking groups


Aylesbury networking group is planning a virtual meeting on 30.09.2020.


AS will communicate about the next South Bucks networking group.


It would be good if these can be signposted as these groups are part of the processes in place within Bucks to help and support for governor communication across the county and are part of the network to ensure governors’ thoughts are being supplied.














AGM 2020


BASG AGM – 14.01.2021 with Keynote speaker Emma Knights OBE (Chief Executive NGA)


In addition:


BASG Spotlight on Disadvantage with Sam Henson (Director of Policy and Information NGA) on either 30.11.2020 or 01.12.2020 TBC.


The group wished to express their thanks to AR for her on-going work to support the updating of the BASG website and social media avenues with current governor new/events.







Communication with BC


The group thanked PR for sharing with the committee the letter he sent out to governors explaining about the confusion which had inadvertently arisen regarding agendas and the template used for FGB’s in the Autumn Term. The Committee thanked PR for the swift follow up he had provided on the matter and his accompanying explanation.


PR highlighted the work which has taken place with BC on:


·         Training (overview of virtual training for governors provided by BC)

·         Agenda coverage for FGB’s for Autumn 2020

·         Work with HT’s

·         Induction

·         Leadership briefings run by BC (due to take place September/October)


PR continues to work closely with BC to ensure the relationship is productive.


The question was asked as to whether Leadership Briefings could be opened up to all governors beyond Heads and Chairs.

Thank you to JM for following up on this. It was clarified that these meetings need to remain as access for Heads and Chairs only.


However, it was stated that Chairs should ensure if their attendance is not possible that their Board is represented at the ‘meeting’ by anther fellow governor.

Also, Chairs should ensure their Board is updated on the information provided at the briefing.



































Consultative Board


MB is working with BC on finalizing the Agenda for the next Consultative meeting and will take into account input from the agenda items from this meeting. The template agenda will be used but anticipates Safeguarding and Public health will be present as an agenda item.


MB informed the group that she intends to step down from her role as Chair of the Consultative Board and has proposed PL to take over the role. PL has extensive knowledge as a manager of working with local councils at a senior level. MB intends to approach a HT to second this. She will also make contact with other members of the Consultative Board.






Date and venue of next meeting


It was recommended that all meetings continue in the Autumn Term 2020 in a virtual format.


Monday 12.10.2020 at 18.00


Meeting closed at 19.25