Meeting Minutes – 9th August 2019

Meeting Minutes



Date & Time: 9 August 2019 at 19.00 – 21.00 hours


Location: Loudwater Combined School, School Way, Kingsmead Road, Loudwater, High Wycombe Bucks HP11 1JJ







Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Jo Pearce (Treasurer),

Maggi Bull, Peter Lerner, Joanne Marchant, Gwyneth Langley, Tomas Pukalski, Bernadette Allison (Secretary)





Agenda Subject







Apologies for absence







Notification of any other business


  • Clerk briefing
  • Governor training
  • NGA membership





Declaration of interest




4. Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 24 July 2019


Approved with the following amendments:


Item 8 – web address should read


Item 10 – additional date of 10.12.19 at 19.00,

Venue to be decided


All other actions were incorporated within the agenda.








New member



No further contact from Martin Simpson.


Further interest from prospective new members may be forthcoming at the AGM to join the Executive Committee.











Thanks were expressed to Tomas for his work and to members who have contributed to content for the revamping of the website.


The challenge to access and to be able to modify the current/old website continues.

It is hoped that with the launch of the new website the ranking of the ‘old’ site will diminish and the new one will takeover. Also, the old one will automatically expire and become redundant as of January 2020.


Discussion took place about the advantages of setting up a Facebook ‘page’ for the group.

The group agreed to this.

TP will bring his system to the next meeting to explain the workings of such a page.


JM offered to proof read the content of the website


The group was asked to send any photos (with the relevant permission) to Tomas for inclusion on the website.


Anne offered to consider links to categories for the webpage so it is user friendly for the users.

AS will send suggestions to TP by 14.09.19





















TP & JM to meet





AS to send to








PL presented the amended constitution which he had send to the group prior to the meeting.


PL had incorporated suggested amendments.

Further discussion and amendments took place.


Copy below to be agreed at the next BASG meeting ready to go to the AGM meeting in November



Thanks to Peter for his work on the document.












Consultative Board Meeting


AS prepared questions linked to the Side by Side Document.

It is anticipated these will be raised at the next Governance Consultative Board meeting. These questions addressed:


v Communication

v Funding

v Designation and Facilitation

v Entitlement

v Governance as part of Side by Side


Any amendments to be sent to AS immediately.











Executive Directors Briefings


PR is working on slides for the briefings he will present at the meetings.

The focus for these will be:


v Role of BASG

v New website













Communication with BCC


PR as Chair of BASG continues to communicate with BCC.


Working with BCC continues to be a high priority for BASG so as to facilitate high quality placement of Governance within BCC.









New BCC Service Director Education


PR will be involved in the recruitment process at Interview level.

The group was pleased to know that governance in the form of Chair of BASG will be part of the recruitment process for the next Director of Education.














PR will mention the BASG AGM during his presentation at Briefings.


Some final domestic arrangements of provision  still need to be agreed – refreshment facilities.


MB is sorting out how insurance cover can be provided at the venue.









MB to finalise







The accounts are still to be finalised







JP will meet on 13.09.19 with GD regarding the situation of Clerking within BCC.

This meeting will be prior to the Governance Consultative Board Meeting (18.09.19).







Clerks Briefing

Gareth Drawmer has proposed that BCC hold termly briefings for Clerks.

Jo Pearce is meeting with Gareth 13.09.19 to discuss what these might look like.


Governor Training

Gareth Drawmer has proposed that BCC deliver termly training to Governors.

It is unclear whether this is general needs-led training or training is Side by Side QA.

Maggi and Anne proposed to raise this at the SGCB on 18 September.


NGA Membership

This is all confirmed and a communication will be going out to schools in Governor Times this week.






Date and time of the next meeting


Next meeting 15.10.19 – venue to be decided


Meeting closed at 21.05


Thanks to PR for facilitating venue for the meeting.