Minutes 21st January 2020



Date & Time: 21 January 2020 at 19.00 – 21.00 hours


Location: Waterside Primary Academy, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1QU






Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Jo Pearce (Treasurer), Joanne Marchant, Peter Lerner, Gwyneth Langley, Tomas Pukalski Bernadette Allison (Secretary)



Maggi Bull



Agenda Subject







Apologies for absence



Maggi Bull




Notification of any other business


·         Feedback from meeting with NGA, BASG & BCC

·         BEP Conference

·         Training for Chairs





Declaration of interest



None related to the agenda




Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 10.12.19



Minutes approved.








Website, Facebook, Twitter



Website – the group suggested that a list of websites for keeping governors up to date would be useful to be included on the website. This would also be very good for governor induction within Boards.

The group felt that a monthly newsletter posted on the website would be of value.


PR has been making use of the Twitter account. This is developing well.


More engagement with Facebook is needed so as to mirror the Twitter account.

Is Instagram also an option?

Instagram is primarily an image sharing social network, with more users below the age of 30.

For Facebook there is very little difference in the amount of users across various age groups. Facebook is used to disseminate information about business whereas Instagram is more focused on creating an emotional connection.

It is important to be clear what type of content BASG target audience best engages with.


Further discussion took place around having someone devoted to social media updating; a possible student, linked to Duke of Edinburgh awards, could be worth pursuing. For now, JP offered to take the lead in this important area. The group thank JP for offering to do this and the time required.




Website update


























BASG social media updates – JP




BASG accounts


PR will follow up on bills to be paid:

·         Hosting of the website

·         Reimbursement for gift for speaker at BASG AGM

·         Any expenditure linked to refreshments at the AGM


Paperwork linked to accounts is still with the auditor. We have agreed that we no longer

need to have our accounts audited.

AS will collect this paperwork and pass it to

JP who will then collate and file what is required to be kept.




















Spring Term event


PR shared with the group that he had positive follow up for possible venues for future BASG events from attendees at the latest BCC briefings.

At the moment PR is securing venue details for the next BASG Spring event on 25.03.2020.

The speaker is confirmed as Sam Henson from NGA. He will present on Spotlight on Disadvantaged.

Information about the event will be posted on the website.

A similar approach for registering as for BASG AGM will be set up.












JP reported that this area seems to be progressing smoothly.

There was a suggestion as to whether there could be a section on the BASG website for posting Clerking vacancies.

The group felt that as BASG promotes effective governance this would be a good way forward to promoting such an important role within Governing Boards.









BASG website




Networking meetings


It was felt that it is very useful to receive feedback from local networking groups.

This helps to understand issues rising related to governance across Buckinghamshire.


At present the following network groups are known to exist:


South Bucks – Anne Sheddick for Chairs & Vice Chairs (Signposted on website & Twitted)


Aylesbury –      Martin Baxter (Signposted on    website & Tweeted)



Great Marlow – Sally Brookes

Amersham/Chesham – possible revival of group



Members of BASG try to be part of as many of these groups as possible. A proforma is available for each group to feedback to BASG.


Information from governors from these meetings can be fed into the consultative groups which function across Buckinghamshire



·         Schools Forum

·         Side by Side Reference Group

·         School Governance Consultative Board











BCC Briefings


PR presented about BASG at both briefings in January.

This is a very valuable opportunity for increasing awareness of the purpose of BASG, it’s support mechanisms and the expertise it offers for governance within Buckinghamshire.









DfE Consultation


The following consultation was discussed.




It was felt a response from BASG would be appropriate.

A Twitter conversation could gain insight from a wider pool of governors to inform a response from BASG.















Side by Side Reference group


PR will follow up on the last meeting by requesting the minutes.







School Governance Consultative Board





It is understood that the next meeting will be in March.

It was felt that Schools Forum, Side by Side, School Governance Consultative Board are joined up in communicating and feedback.







Feedback from meeting with NGA, BASG & BCC

PR explained that this was a positive meeting with the desire to share future events and the possibility of future training dates


BEP Conference

This will be on 26.06.2020 at the Gateway, Aylesbury. HP19 8FF


Linda Hardman – Advisor Disadvantage and Valuable Pupils

Jennifer Cameron – Creating Opportunities

Dr Kathy Weston- Cultivating Relationships, parental engagement.

Two free places with BEP full package


PR requested that an opportunity could be considered for BASG to also be part of this event. JM requested that BASG were able to attend this event even if we had not paid into a BEP package. GL will follow these points up with BEP.


Training for Chairs

JP explained about how valuable she is finding the NGA Leading Development Governance for Chairs training.

The training is funded by the DfE and offers flexible learning and takes approximately three terms to complete.





























Date and venue of next meeting


Next meetings:

19.02.2020 at Waterside Primary Academy,

Blackhorse Avenue, Chesham. HP5 1QU at19.00


9.03.2020 at Loudwater Combined School,

Kingsmead Rd, Loudwater, High Wycombe HP11 1JJ at 19.00


25.03.2020 – BASG Spring Event at Booker Park Community School, Stoke Leys, Close, Aylesbury HP21 9ET 18.00 – 21.30



Meeting finished at 21.00


Thank you to Waterside Primary Academy for providing the venue and to JP for organising.