Sent on behalf of Joanna Cassey, Service Director of Education

Dear Colleagues

Thank you to those who have sent in their questions for us to consider and provide advice on as we collectively respond to the current situation. I am attaching two documents that have been worked on ny officers today:

• Responses to questions received either from schools direct or the Chairs of PEB, BASH and SSHT as part of our daily teleconference;
• Responses drafted by HR officers.

We will upload these onto our dedicated schools web page and also move to allocate these to specific sections to make them easier for you to be orientated/digest the information. The web page is being maintained regularly during the day as and when new guidance is shared with us be DfE so do please continue to check that and signpost your staff to do likewise..

With very best wishes

Joanna Cassey
Service Director of Education
Children’s Services
Buckinghamshire County Council