Covid management update

Sent on Behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Service Achievement & Learning

 Dear Colleagues,

We are coming to the end of what has felt like a very long term. Everyone has had to manage the day to day complications of a school with significant Covid restrictions, and the vast majority of schools have had to make some very difficult decisions regarding the closure of bubbles, or in some case the whole school. We recognise the complexities that this term has meant for school leaders and the pressure that all of this has placed on you. We cannot thank you enough for your professionalism and careful consideration of the issues when making decisions that affect children and families.

Unfortunately, we are still seeing a significant number of cases across schools in Buckinghamshire with our highest number of schools needing to close yesterday. Even with the first people receiving the vaccine today, we have a long way ahead before life moves closer to normality, please continue your current strong monitoring of the staff and student populations and manage potential cases and individuals who have tested positively both sensitively and robustly. If you have to close down bubbles or even the whole school then we would ask that you refer to this as a move to remote learning rather than labelling it as a closure. Whilst the school buildings may be closed, you and your staff are still providing education to the children and this better articulates this to parents. When you take a move like this it is important for you that you have discussed this with public health as this provides you with a strong rebuttal if there is a challenge from parents. We also ask that you have a discussion with the Local Authority if you are making a decision to move the whole school to remote learning or if you have a substantial number of students who will have to stay at home. We will help you to sense check your thought processes and can give you a wider view based on our experience of other schools’ actions.

Throughout the pandemic, schools have supported children of keyworkers and vulnerable children very well, and we would ask that you continue to consider these children in your planning for moves to remote learning and where appropriate that they maintain a physical presence in your school. Where these pupils need to work at home, please maintain a high level of contact to ensure that they have the ability to access the learning, are engaging with it and are safe and secure. We all know that for many children, the approach of the holidays can be a period of acute anxiety and I know that this will be reflected in your thinking.

I hope that the last two weeks of term are manageable for yourselves and your staff, please contact us via the SIS mailbox or myself directly if there is anything that we can do to help.

Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Summary of Guidance New National Restrictions from 5 November 2020 for schools and OOS activities

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer – Head of Achievement and Learning

Dear Colleagues,

You will no doubt be aware of the DfE guidance for schools that was published yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon. Whilst the document was mostly a reiteration of previously published guidance, the School Improvement Team have summarised it for you.

Summary of Guidance New National Restrictions from 5 November 2020 for schools and OOS activities

At the Local Authority we all recognise the pressures that all school staff, but especially school leaders, have been placed under in recent months. It is a challenging time and we are grateful for the dedication and professionalism that you have shown. As we enter a second lockdown it is clear that we will need to draw further on our reserves to be resilient in the face of the work ahead.  Teams at the Local Authority are here to offer guidance and support to you and hope that you find this valuable.

 Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Press release – New guidance for schools, colleges and early years

Guidance for education settings published ahead of national restrictions coming into force

Published 4 November 2020

DfE: EHE guidance pieces for parents and LAs

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer – Head of Achievement and Learning

Good Afternoon,

Please see the document attached, thank you.

EHE Your Duties Our Expectations

Kind Regards

Tracey Erasmus

Side by Side Support Officer and Educational Visits Coordinator

Children Services

Buckinghamshire Council

Updated COVID-19 Outbreak Guide

Sent on behalf of Dan Flecknoe – Consultant in Public Health

Schools Early Years Settings COVID-19 Outbreak Guide v3

TV edu settings flowchart V4.1

Dear Colleagues,

Public Health England have sent an updated flowchart (v4.1) for the management of suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in schools and Early Years contexts.

We have taken this opportunity to update the COVID-19 Outbreak Guide for Schools and Early Years Settings at the same time. In version 3 of the guide, attached above, we have highlighted the new/changed guidance and made some minor changes for clarity, as well as embedding the updated Public Health flowchart.

Many apologies for the number of different versions, but we want to make sure you always have the most up to date information to support you.

Kind regards,

Daniel Flecknoe

Consultant in Public Health

Adults and Health Directorate

Buckinghamshire Council


01296 387054

Reducing ‘close contacts’ in schools

Sent to all heads today

Dear Colleagues,

We have had communication from Public Health South East regarding the high number of children across the Thames Valley and South East being sent home as a ‘close contact’ of a confirmed case of COVID-19 and missing weeks of school as a result. Public Health South East guidance states that:

A contact is a person who has had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 during their infectious period (48 hours before to 10 days after onset of symptoms, or test if asymptomatic). This includes:
• a person who has had face-to-face contact (within 1 metre) with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), including:
o being coughed on, or
o having a face-to-face conversation, or
o having skin-to-skin physical contact, or
o any contact within one metre for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact
• a person who has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) for more than 15 minutes
• a person who has travelled in a small vehicle with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) or in a large vehicle near someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)
• people who spend significant time in the same household as a person who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)
Identification of contacts in an educational setting will depend on the arrangements the setting has in place to minimise mixing. In a primary school, this is likely to include the class teacher and other students in the bubble/class. Identifying contacts in a secondary school setting may be more complicated, given any necessary wider group mixing to allow for a full curriculum. If social distancing is in place this will reduce the number of contacts identified.

Public Health South East are requesting that schools aim to further reduce mixing of staff and pupils, to limit the number of pupils who fit the above ‘close contact’ criteria. To this end, Buckinghamshire Public Health team recommend that all schools:
• establish a consistent seating plan for all lessons (as much as possible in older secondary school classes, even with movement between classes)
• review mixing of pupils at lunchtime; consider pupils eating lunch at their set desk places or having set tables for classes bubbles in the dining hall with sufficient safe spacing between bubble groups
• allocate class bubbles different areas of the playground
• reiterate the importance of social distancing to teachers and support staff
• limit as much as possible the movement of TAs and how TAs mix with pupils, and record details of movement and mixing

We appreciate this is further work for schools and thank you for all you are doing already to ensure the safety of your pupils and staff.

Kind regards,
The Equalities and School Improvement Team

PPE Letter To Schools (CofG email)

PPE stock for symptomatic pupilsv3

Sent to all heads this afternoon.

Good Afternoon,

Please see the letter attached from Gareth Drawmer in regards to PPE stock for symptomatic pupils.

Kind Regards

Tracey Erasmus (Assoc CIPD)

Side by Side Support Officer and Educational Visits Coordinator

School’s Team l Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

01296 383030

Unit 9 Abbey CNT, Weedon Road, Aylesbury, HP19 9NS

Monday to Thursday – 9am to 5pm

Friday – 9am to 4:30pm

Have any questions about coronavirus? Visit our frequently updated FAQs page for schools:

Schools facing new Covid-19 safety checks

Article from TES – another factor for the new school term!

The Health and Safety Executive plans to check that schools are putting in place measures to keep staff and pupils safe

The HSE calls will also check on a school’s risk assessments and if any concerns are raised the HSE may carry out a visit to the school site, teachers have been told.

Coronavirus: Health and safety checks on schools

The news that schools could face visits from the HSE comes just days after Ofsted confirmed its plans to carry out more than 1,000 school visits this term to check on how well pupils are being supported to catch up after the Covid-19 lockdown.

The HSE calls have been revealed in a bulletin that has been sent out to schools by the Department for Education.

Schools have been told to ensure that staff are aware that these checks are taking place and that designated individuals are familiar with their school’s risk assessment.

A HSE statement in this bulletin says: “Over the coming days and weeks, HSE will be phoning schools to check their risk assessments and the arrangements they have in place to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus.

“To assist schools with any calls from HSE, we would suggest staff are made aware of the checks and designated individuals are familiar with the school’s risk assessment.

“In cases where the initial call raises concerns, HSE will work with schools to advise on next steps, which may include a visit if appropriate. This will be on a suitable date and time arranged in collaboration with the school.

“We know that schools are working extremely hard to protect staff and pupils by putting protective measures in place. We hope this additional support from HSE will provide further reassurance to staff, pupils and parents.”

Tes revealed last month that the new Ofsted visits would not be checking on how well schools are meeting government guidelines for reopening.

But they will assess how schools are supporting pupils back to full-time education after the Covid-19 lockdown.

Now, on the first week back, schools have also been told they will face a safety check from the HSE.

Mr Barton said: “I think it is quite sensible for the HSE to be asking these questions but I think it is a question of timing.

“School leaders will have been back in for one two or three days and this is another thing for them to deal with swirling around the periphery.

“Schools have been working so hard over the summer, digesting the changing government guidance.

“I think schools could just have done with being given a bit of time to get everything in place before another set of questions from someone outside of the school is put in front of them.”



Buckinghamshire Council Visits to Schools Update

BC Visits to schools update

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning

Dear Colleagues,

Many of you will understandably be concerned with regard to visits from outside agencies over the coming weeks. In order to support you, and so that it is clear how these agencies will engage with you during this period, we have gathered information from the teams together in one place. We have organised them in a common format so that schools can understand any revised processes that are in place.

I hope that this is helpful to you.

Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ

Office – 01296 382384

Mobile – 07850 539148

Face Coverings BC Guidance

face coverings 1-9-20

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning

Dear Colleagues,

In order to further support opening the council has developed the following guidance regarding the wearing of face coverings in schools. Although much of the guidance is aimed at secondary schools, it may also prove useful in primary schools where parents are requesting that their child is allowed to wear a mask.

Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ

Office – 01296 382384

Mobile – 07850 539148