BASG Newsletter No. 1 February 2020

Bringing you a round-up of news and updates on BASG activities this first half term of 2020. And there is plenty to report on! January kicked off with the Buckinghamshire County Council Executive Director’s Briefings, where governors and headteachers gathered at County Hall and at Millbrook Combined School to hear updates on education and social care from the senior leaders in Children’s Services. The Chair of BASG, Paul Randall, made the most of his slot on the agenda to highlight the work BASG is doing with the Local Authority to keep governance in the spotlight and high up on the agenda in current and future planning. Click here to see the presentation slides from the briefings.

Keep an eye on our website for dates of the next briefings:

In February we have seen this term’s round of local Governor Network meetings, where governors from schools across the local area (or sometimes across the county!) come together in an informal setting to discuss wider issues around school governance and education and to share thoughts and concerns on local and national agendas. Feedback is gathered and the key points – safeguarding, SEND, governor training, funding and school improvement support – are escalated to the County Council Member for Education & Skills via the School Governance Consultative Board. Local Governor Network meetings are held termly in the following areas, usually over an abundance of coffee and cake!

• South Bucks

• High Wycombe

• Marlow

• Great Kingshill

• Aylesbury

• Amersham & Chesham – starting soon!

Please check the BASG website for dates of next term’s meetings and do come along and join in. Here is a snapshot of South Bucks governors in action at the meeting held on 8 February 2020 at the Quaker Meeting House in Jordans.

Meanwhile, the BASG Committee continues to meet monthly, keeping an oversight of the whole governance picture across Bucks, attending meetings with the LA and, most importantly at the moment, planning the BASG Spring Event, to which every governor in Buckinghamshire is invited! Here we are during half term, organising final details:

Do come along to hear Sam Henson of the National Governance Association talk about Spotlight on Disadvantage. The NGA’s Spotlight on Disadvantage campaign is informed by research undertaken to explore the Governing Board’s role in spending, monitoring and evaluating the Pupil Premium since its introduction in April 2011. Tickets are going quickly – get yours here:

A subject close to all our hearts – governor training. A reminder that the County Council is hosting a series of twilight workshops, which are free of charge to all Buckinghamshire governors. All sessions are delivered by BCC specialists and held in the Mezz rooms at County Hall in Aylesbury from 18:30 to 20:00 unless otherwise stated.

• 17 March 2020: Safeguarding, led by Georgina Masefield and ESAS

• 2 April 2020: Ofsted, led by Naureen Kausar

• 29 April 2020: Safer Recruitment, led by Pat Stappard

• 5 May 2020: Equalities, led by Yvette Thomas

• 12 May 2020: PSHE, led by Carol Stottor

• 3 June 2020: SEND, led by Hero Slinn and Belinda Nunn

• 9 June 2020: Schools Finance, led by Janaki Try

• 18 June 2020: Educational Visits, led by Mike Harwin


The first 2 dates are available to book now:



Recommended reading: as governors we are all pressed for time, but this article on the NGA website really is worth a read: If we needed further confirmation on the importance of what we do, it is heartening to hear Ofsted acknowledge that “Improving governance helps break the cycle of ‘stuck’ schools”. Something we would all 100% agree with, and to have Ofsted validating our work as we move into the next half term is reassuring.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the DfE consultation on the Removal of the Outstanding Exemption. The overwhelming consensus was that the exemption should be removed and BASG have sent a collective response to the DfE confirming this.N

Free Governor Training for all Buckinghamshire Governors – Next Booking Date Open

The Schools Team have arranged several twilight workshops which are free to all Buckinghamshire governors:

17th March Safeguarding – Georgina Masefield and ESAS
2nd April  Ofsted – Naureen Kausar
29th April Safer Recruitment – Pat Stappard
5th May Equalities – Yvette Thomas
12th May PSHE – Carol Stottor
3rd June SEND – Belinda Nunn/Hero Slinn
9th June Finance – Janaki Try
18th June Educational Visits – Mike Harwin

The first 3 dates are available to book now, the rest will follow shortly. Please book your place following the links below:

17th March Safeguarding

2nd April Ofsted

29th April Safer Recruitment

All sessions will be held in the Mezz rooms at County Hall Aylesbury and will be from 6.30 to 8pm unless otherwise stated.

Do you have a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) at your school?

With teacher retention an issue across the country, it’s critical that your NQT gets support from the beginning from peers and independent professionals. NQTSpace is a FREE online platform which offers:
• Self-evaluation against the Teachers’ Standards
• Online professional developments matched to the Teachers’ Standards
• Resources
• Ask the Expert section
• NQTConnect for peer support
For more information and register, ask your NQT to visit


The DfE has extended FREE funded training for Governors and Clerks until March 2021

Extension to the GovernorSpace
The DfE has extended FREE funded training for Governors and Clerks until March 2021. Funding is available for TWO members of your Governing Board. Sign up now before the funding ends. GovernorSpace helps Governors and Clerks identify their development needs and improve their skills, to improve the quality of school governance. Entrust delivers GovernorSpace on behalf of the Department for Education. It’s is completely free of charge to you and your school!

• Free online training in just a few clicks!
• Self-Evaluation tool
• Invaluable One-to-One telephone mentor support sessions
• Live and On demand training sessions
• Bespoke consultancy sessions, delivered remotely, no need to travel
• Personal Development Coaching, delivered remotely
• Link with other Governors through GovernorConnect

To find out more about how the GovernorSpace Online Programme can support you, please contact or register  at

Professional Coaching Session – 3 credits
Are you struggling with the role of Chair or governor? Are you stuck in a rut in your role? Our 45-minute professional development coaching sessions cost 3 credits each and are delivered by an expert school leadership coach. These sessions will help you focus on an effective action plan for yourself to help you maximise your effectiveness. To book a session, please email and ask for a coaching session.



Personal Development in the new Ofsted framework (with Better Governor)

Thursday 26 March, 8:00 am to 9:00 am

This webinar will explore in detail this element of Ofsted’s recently updated inspection framework.

The new judgement covers many aspects of personal development including confidence, character, personal safety and readiness for the next stage of education.


Behaviour and attitudes in the new Ofsted framework (with Better Governor)

Thursday 27 February, 8:00 am to 9:00 am

We’ll explore in detail this element of Ofsted’s recently updated inspection framework.

The new judgement covers behaviour, attendance, exclusion and attitudes to learning.



Managing exclusions (with The Key for School Governors)

Tuesday 11 February, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

The webinar will set out boards’ specific legal duties in relation to pupil exclusions.

We’ll also explore how boards can monitor exclusion levels effectively. This can help to provide assurance that exclusion is being used proportionately and in a non-discriminatory manner.



Free Governor Training for all Buckinghamshire Governors

The Schools Team have arranged several twilight workshops which are free to all Buckinghamshire governors:

17th March Safeguarding – Georgina Masefield and ESAS

2nd April Ofsted – Naureen Kausar

29th April Safer Recruitment – Pat Stappard

5th May Equalities – Yvette Thomas

12th May PSHE – Carol Stottor

3rd June SEND – Belinda Nunn/Hero Slinn

9th June Finance – Janaki Try

18th June Educational Visits – Mike Harwin

The first 2 dates are available to book now, the rest will follow shortly. Please book your place following the links below:

17th March Safeguarding:

2nd April Ofsted:

All sessions will be held in the Mezz rooms at County Hall Aylesbury and will be from 6.30 to 8pm unless otherwise stated.

Chairs & Vice Chairs of Governors Networking Meeting – Tuesday 25th February 2020

To all Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Governors in Buckinghamshire:

There is an independent chairs network meeting coming up:
Tuesday 25th February at 7pm
Millbrook Combined School

If you would like to attend please email the facilitator, Simon Kearey.

These sessions are your opportunity to network, support one another and share experiences.

BASG are sharing this information on behalf of the facilitator, If you are holding an event that supports Governance in Buckinghamshire and would like us to advertise them for you please contact us with the relevant information.

Aylesbury Governor Network Meeting 5th February 2020 – 18.30-20.00

The Spring Term Aylesbury Network meeting is being held on 5th February 18.30-20.00hrs at Broughton Junior School.

The meeting will provide you with an opportunity to talk with and listen to other governors about issues of the moment.

The Executive Director’s Briefings have taken place and these raise issues that are worthy of discussion.

In the past we have avoided a formal agenda for these meetings but I have become aware of, and watched the webinar on, School financial value system SFVS, and I realise that this is a very significant step. Returns have to be made by the end of February so it is a priority. However it might be useful to discuss the implication of SFVS for governors. If you have any documentation please bring it to inform our discussion.

If you wish to include something on the agenda please let me know asap.

If you would like to attend this event please confirm to me directly

Martin Baxter –

BASG are sharing this information on behalf of the facilitator, If you are holding an event that supports Governance in Buckinghamshire and would like us to advertise them for you please contact us with the relevant information.