NGA – Interim Ofsted Visits in the Autumn Term

During the partial closure of schools in the summer term, routine Ofsted inspections were suspended. As schools have now fully reopened, Ofsted have begun a phased return to full inspections; carrying out interim visits in schools across England.


This information sheet covers: NGA_COVID-19_Information-sheet_Ofsted_autumn_term_Oct_2020

  • the purpose of Ofsted interim visits
  • an outline of what the interim visits will look like this autumn
  • what school leaders and governing boards can expect if their schools are visited by Ofsted

Interim visits will not result in any evaluation or graded judgement of a school, nor will they use the education inspection framework and school inspection handbook. School leaders are not required to make any specific preparations for these visits.


Further reading

Free Governor Training Sessions – Update

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the attached document which contains the dates for the online Governor training, Autumn 2020 and the links to the Eventbrite registration pages.

Governor training programme Autumn 2020

You are required to register via Eventbrite (links attached) as we use the contact list for communicating updates and documentation. If you do not register on

Eventbrite you may miss out on important information, such as cancellations, updates or documentation.

It is advisable to register at least 72 hours before the start of the course; a course may be cancelled if there are low numbers and, again, you may miss out on

vital information.

The next session is PREVENT on Tuesday 6th October at 6.30pm.

Also attached are instructions for using MS Teams. For any session it is recommended you join the meeting 10-15 minutes beforehand, in case you encounter

any problems and need to message for assistance.

Teams Instructions For Particpants

I apologise for any confusion that may have arisen regarding registering for these training sessions, if you would like any further information please contact me.


Kind regards,


Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services


Buckinghamshire Council

4th Floor, County Hall

Walton Street


HP20 1UZ

Cyber Security Alert from the National Cyber Security Centre(NCSC) concerning a National rise in Ransomware attacks on UK Schools, Colleges and Universities

Sent on behalf of Simon James, Service Director, Education

Dear Colleagues,

The NCSC has today posted on their web site an Alert concerning a National rise of Ransomware attacks of UK Schools, Colleges and Universities.

This is accessible via this link or you can read the item as below

“17th September 2020. Cyber security alert issued following rising attacks on UK academia

The NCSC has issued an alert to the academic sector following a spate of online attacks against UK schools, colleges and universities.

  • The National Cyber Security Centre, a part of GCHQ, is supporting establishments to keep criminals out of their networks after a spike in ransomware attacks.
  • The rise in attacks was recorded in August as cyber criminals turn their attention to a sector focused on the return of students.
  • The advice has been created with the input of the sector, and is the latest in a series of support packages for academia.

Cyber security experts have today (Thursday) stepped up support for UK schools, colleges, and universities following a spate of online attacks with the potential to de-rail their preparations for the new term.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) issued an alert to the sector containing a number of steps they can take to keep cyber criminals out of their networks, following a recent spike in ransomware attacks.

The NCSC dealt with several ransomware attacks against education establishments in August, which caused varying levels of disruption, depending on the level of security establishments had in place.

Ransomware attacks typically involve the encryption of an organisation’s data by cyber criminals, who then demand money in exchange for its recovery.

With institutions either welcoming pupils and students back for a new term, or preparing to do so, the NCSC’s alert urges them to take immediate steps such as ensuring data is backed up and also stored on copies offline.

They are also urged to read the NCSC’s newly-updated guidance on mitigating malware and ransomware attacks, and to develop an incident response plan which they regularly test.

Paul Chichester, Director of Operations at the NCSC, said:

“This criminal targeting of the education sector, particularly at such a challenging time, is utterly reprehensible.

“While these have been isolated incidents, I would strongly urge all academic institutions to take heed of our alert and put in place the steps we suggest, to help ensure young people are able to return to education undisrupted.

“We are absolutely committed to ensuring UK academia is as safe as possible from cyber threats, and will not hesitate to act when that threat evolves.”

The new alert, Targeted ransomware attacks on the UK education sector by cyber criminals, supplements existing support that the NCSC, which is a part of GCHQ, provides academic institutions across the UK.

Examples of this include advice on the questions governing bodies and trustees should ask school leaders to improve a school’s understanding of cyber security risks, and the distribution of information cards which help staff understand how they can raise their school’s resilience to attack.

David Corke, Director of Education and Skills Policy at the Association of Colleges, said:

“As the last six months have shown us, it has never been more important for colleges to have the right digital infrastructure in order to be able to protect their systems and keep learning happening, whatever the circumstance.

“This needs a whole college approach and for a focus wider than just systems, it needs to include supporting leaders, teachers and students to recognise threats, mitigate against them, and act decisively when something goes wrong.

“This guidance will prove incredibly useful for colleges to ensure that they can do just that.”

Steve Kennett, Executive Director of e-infrastructure at the higher education support body Jisc, said:

“Jisc welcome the NCSC support in dealing with the current spate of ransomware impacting the UK Education and Research community.

“We encourage everyone to review the latest guidance from the NCSC and take the time to assess the risks to their organisation.”

Institutions that have been infected with ransomware have seen their ability to operate effectively and deliver services significantly obstructed and, depending on an organisation’s level of resilience, it can take weeks – and in some cases months – for services to return to normal.

Often the aim of cyber criminals deploying ransomware is to encrypt data that will have the most impact on an organisation’s services. This can affect access to computer networks as well as services including telephone systems and websites.

The NCSC has recently updated its ransomware and malware guidance, which is generally applicable to organisations in all industries in the UK. Additions to this include updated information on attackers’ modus operandi and advice on preparing for an incident.

Further information:

  • Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents you from accessing your computer (or the data that is stored on it). The computer itself may become locked, or the data on it might be stolen, deleted, or encrypted.
  • Exercising is one of the most effective ways an organisation can test how it responds to cyber incidents and identify areas for improvement. Exercise in a Box is a free online tool from the NCSCwhich helps organisations test and practise their response to a cyber-attack, including ransomware attacks”

The NCSC are dealing directly with the relevant academic sectors, establishments and the above item contains the appropriate guidance and mitigation. This link is direct to their comprehensive guidance.

If there are any questions concerning this, please make contact direct with the NCSC via their contact process:

As a reminder, Cyber Attacks are to be reported to Action Fraud and not the local Police Force:


Simon James

Service Director: Education


Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

County Hall, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ

Executive Assistant – Helen Carnie

Tel: 01296 382184.

BASG Executive Minutes 14/9/2020




Date & Time: 14 September 2020 at 18.00 hours


Location: Virtual meeting through Zoom







Paul Randall (Chair), Anne Sheddick (Vice Chair), Maggi Bull,

Joanne Marchant, Peter Lerner, Gwyneth Langley, Bernadette Allison (Secretary)


Jo Pearce



Agenda Subject






Apologies for absence



Jo Pearce




Notification of any other business



Communication – PR with BC/governors

(covered under Agenda item 10)




Declaration of interest



Maggi Bull – Chair of NGA

Gwyneth Langley – BEP




Approval of minutes from the meeting held on 17.08.2020



Minutes approved


Follow up is on-going and addressed within the agenda


AS has been involved with the on-going follow up with PGL


If any schools are in the process of this, AS is happy to share her experiences about a possible resolution

















PR informed the group that Tomas Pukalski has requested that he does not attend meetings at present. He is happy to support with the maintenance of website and technical support, if required.


The Executive group wished to thank TP for his work for BASG and his contribution to the refreshed website.


The group discussed new membership to the committee and routes to take in order to achieve this. Networking groups may be a possible route, communication through BEP may be another.















BEP update


GL gave comprehensive feedback of queries/questions BEP have received from other governors within Buckinghamshire.


These are:

·         Concerns about procedural matters during the present pandemic and how the virtual situation can proceed

·         Governor elections

·         Safeguarding

·         Provision of training for Managing allegations

·         SFVS – when will the deadline be this year (31.12.2020?)

·         Expectations from BC for Home Learning (DfE has issued a document outlining this)

·         Attendance – clarification that Home Learning is not an option if pupil does not need to isolate

·         LA appointment of governors


It is useful to have this overview of concerns across the authority and MB will make sure that the Consultative Board are kept up to date, so the voice of governors is being heard and a cyclical approach to communication is being actioned.








Schools opening for more pupils


It has been encouraging to see positive reports through the media although there does still seem to be some confusion in social media.


There do seem to be some issues with social distancing outside schools at the end of the school day.

Good information is also being communicated through risk assessments including for Before and After School activities.













Networking groups


Aylesbury networking group is planning a virtual meeting on 30.09.2020.


AS will communicate about the next South Bucks networking group.


It would be good if these can be signposted as these groups are part of the processes in place within Bucks to help and support for governor communication across the county and are part of the network to ensure governors’ thoughts are being supplied.














AGM 2020


BASG AGM – 14.01.2021 with Keynote speaker Emma Knights OBE (Chief Executive NGA)


In addition:


BASG Spotlight on Disadvantage with Sam Henson (Director of Policy and Information NGA) on either 30.11.2020 or 01.12.2020 TBC.


The group wished to express their thanks to AR for her on-going work to support the updating of the BASG website and social media avenues with current governor new/events.







Communication with BC


The group thanked PR for sharing with the committee the letter he sent out to governors explaining about the confusion which had inadvertently arisen regarding agendas and the template used for FGB’s in the Autumn Term. The Committee thanked PR for the swift follow up he had provided on the matter and his accompanying explanation.


PR highlighted the work which has taken place with BC on:


·         Training (overview of virtual training for governors provided by BC)

·         Agenda coverage for FGB’s for Autumn 2020

·         Work with HT’s

·         Induction

·         Leadership briefings run by BC (due to take place September/October)


PR continues to work closely with BC to ensure the relationship is productive.


The question was asked as to whether Leadership Briefings could be opened up to all governors beyond Heads and Chairs.

Thank you to JM for following up on this. It was clarified that these meetings need to remain as access for Heads and Chairs only.


However, it was stated that Chairs should ensure if their attendance is not possible that their Board is represented at the ‘meeting’ by anther fellow governor.

Also, Chairs should ensure their Board is updated on the information provided at the briefing.



































Consultative Board


MB is working with BC on finalizing the Agenda for the next Consultative meeting and will take into account input from the agenda items from this meeting. The template agenda will be used but anticipates Safeguarding and Public health will be present as an agenda item.


MB informed the group that she intends to step down from her role as Chair of the Consultative Board and has proposed PL to take over the role. PL has extensive knowledge as a manager of working with local councils at a senior level. MB intends to approach a HT to second this. She will also make contact with other members of the Consultative Board.






Date and venue of next meeting


It was recommended that all meetings continue in the Autumn Term 2020 in a virtual format.


Monday 12.10.2020 at 18.00


Meeting closed at 19.25




Governor Training Sessions Autumn 2020 – New dates

Governor training programme for the Autumn 2020 term 2

Teams Instructions For Particpants

Dear Colleagues,

The training sessions for governors in the second half of the Autumn term have been added to Eventbrite and you may now book your place.  All sessions are being conducted via MS Teams and I have also attached instructions.

Please see the attached document which contains all the links to the sessions with dates and times.

If you have any queries please contact me.

Kind regards,

Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

4th Floor, County Hall

Walton Street


HP20 1UZ

 07824 482570

NGA Annual School Subscription for 2020/21 – Learning Link

Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, Buckinghamshire Council have renewed the NGA membership, for Buckinghamshire maintained schools 2020-2021. The package for 2020-2021 covers the Standard membership and Learning Link for all Governors and Clerks in maintained schools.

Maintained schools that wish to upgrade to the Gold package will be charged the difference of £158.


Buckinghamshire Council offer membership at the discounted rate of £87 for the Standard package.  The NGA do recommend that academies take the Gold package, which is discounted at £245.  If you are unsure which package you have opted for please contact me at

If you wish to purchase Learning Link the cost is £59 per school.  Further information is located on the NGA website:

To confirm purchase of your annual membership and the package required, please contact Hazel David by Friday 11th September 2020 at


Hazel David

Education Team

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

4th Floor, County Hall

Walton Street


HP20 1UZ

 Have any questions about coronavirus? Visit our frequently updated FAQs page for schools:

Support for families:


Face Coverings BC Guidance

face coverings 1-9-20

Sent on behalf of Gareth Drawmer, Head of Achievement and Learning

Dear Colleagues,

In order to further support opening the council has developed the following guidance regarding the wearing of face coverings in schools. Although much of the guidance is aimed at secondary schools, it may also prove useful in primary schools where parents are requesting that their child is allowed to wear a mask.

Warm regards,


Gareth Drawmer

Head of Service

Achievement & Learning

Children’s Services

Buckinghamshire Council

Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZ

Office – 01296 382384

Mobile – 07850 539148

Governor Training Programme Autumn 2020 – update

Dear Colleagues,


Due to GDPR protocol we are unable to ask participants to sign in online, so I have created Eventbrite sessions for each date. Please register if you wish to attend.


Topic Date Time Day Eventbrite Link
Welcome to Buckinghamshire 16th Sept 18.30 – 19.30 Wed Welcome to Buckinghamshire


The Primary Governor’s Role in School Improvement 22nd Sept 18.30 – 19.30 Tue The Primary Governor’s Role in School Improvement


The Secondary Governor’s Role in School Improvement 1st Oct 18.30 – 19.30 Thu The Secondary Governor’s Role in School Improvement


Prevent Duty – Guidance for Governors 6th Oct 18.30 – 19.30 Tue PREVENT Duty – Guidance for Governors


The Role of the Governing Board 7th Oct 18.30 – 19.30 Wed The Role of the Governing Board


Developing Relationships with the Senior Leadership Team 14th Oct 18.30 – 19.30 Wed Developing Relationships with the Senior Leadership Team


Public Health Guidance and COVID-19 Updates for Governors 20th Oct 18.30 – 19.30 Tue Public Health Guidelines and COVID-19 Updates for Governors



I shall send out the Teams links again, closer to the dates.


Governor training programme for the Autumn 2020 term


Teams Instructions For Particpants


If you have any queries regarding the training sessions please contact





Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services


Buckinghamshire Council

4th Floor, County Hall

Walton Street


HP20 1UZ

Executive Director Briefings Autumn 2020 — updated

Dear Colleagues,


Due to GDPR protocol we are unable to ask participants to sign in online, so I have created Eventbrite sessions for each date. Please register if you wish to attend.


These briefings are for Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and Governor Clerks and will contain items from the Buckinghamshire Council, Children’s Services, Senior Management Team.


Tuesday 29th September, 18.30

Executive Director Briefing


Friday 2nd October 09.30

Executive Director Briefing


I shall send out the links to the Teams meetings closer to the events.  If you need further information please contact






Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services


Buckinghamshire Council

4th Floor, County Hall

Walton Street


HP20 1UZ

Governor Training Programme Autumn 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the School Improvement Team have compiled a training programme for Governors for the Autumn term.  This is free to all Buckinghamshire school governors.  Further details, including links to the online sessions, are attached.

Governor training programme for the Autumn 2020 term

Teams Instructions For Particpants

As the meetings are online there is no need to book, however, if you require notes or documentation from the meeting you will be asked to sign in, providing your name, school, role and email address.

The meetings will be conducted using MS Teams and instructions for participants are attached.

If you have any queries regarding the briefings please contact




Hazel David

School Improvement Team

Children’s Services


Buckinghamshire Council

4th Floor, County Hall

Walton Street


HP20 1UZ