Model Risk Assessment for Workforce COVID-19 Testing in Primary (inc. Nursery) Schools


Dear Colleagues,

To support you with the introduction of lateral flow testing for all staff in primary (including school-based nurseries and maintained nurseries) we have developed the attached generic risk assessment, should this be useful.  This is based on the information provided through the webinars and associated documents, the government guidance: delivery of rapid asymptomatic coronavirus (Covid-19) testing for staff in primary schools, school-based nurseries and maintained nursery. and a review of risk assessments and learning which has been kindly provided by some of our secondary colleagues.  It is unlikely to cover all scenarios and each school/setting should consider their own unique circumstances and adapt accordingly.

The DfE have just uploaded a set of documents to support your risk assessment to the on their sharing platform.  Please review these documents alongside the attached risk assessment.

We are aware that the government guidance on confirmatory PCR test requirements may be about to change, and if it does we will re-issue this document updated with the latest information.  However, at the time of writing this is in accordance with the current position.

Kind regards,

Gareth Drawmer

Head of Achievement and Learning

Model Risk Assessment for Workforce COVID-19 Testing in Primary (inc. Nursery) Schools v1.0