Agencies providing useful information to Governors eg EEF, Governor Hub, local MATs

Child Protection Framework Policy – September 2021

Dear Chair and Headteacher,

There is a new CP Framework Policy on Schools Web (September 2021).


The Key for School Governors

Comprehensive information site for all areas of governance, school improvement and development. Has excellent search and is updated all the time with DFE and other information translated into school friendly , advice, policies, compliance documentation etc A great resource but requires a subscription


Web site for Oxford and Bucks Diocesan MAT which has information about the MAT and training events

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Essential documents to understand and be compliant in relation to Safeguarding

Keeping Children Safe in Education –

Governor Space

A site for governors and clerks to network with other Boards nationwide plus details of specialist DFE funding for Clerks training

Governor Hub

This programme is used by boards to store their information and data and also offers national information updates and local information updates via paid service from BEP

Governor Hub

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)

Site holds summary of evidence of what works for school improvement in many areas, including governance. An excellent site for governors to easily access research outcomes relevant to the curriculum, Pupil premium effectiveness, best practice teaching of literacy, maths and other topics