NSPCC IMPORTANT – Planning your PSHE/Safeguarding Curriculum? Sign upfor the NSPCC’s free Speak Out. Stay Safe. Online Assemblies today

It would be great if all Buckinghamshire Schools could receive the OFSTED recognised Safeguarding certificate by signing up for our Free assemblies and Free face to face workshops with the NSPCC. Many schools in the area have already signed up to deliver in September/October 2022.


Online Assemblies

I am getting in touch regarding our FREE safeguarding Speak out. Stay safe. Online assemblies. We have 2 online assemblies for you, KS1 have a 13-minute video assembly with pause points and (if relevant to your school) KS2 have a 22-minute video assembly with pause points, we talk with the children about their rights, trusted adults, and ChildLine amongst other safeguarding themes.




Year 5 and 6 Workshops

I may also be able to offer you a free face to face safeguarding workshop for years 5 and 6 (subject to volunteer availability) where we follow up on the key themes of the assemblies in more detail and the children receive a Buddy Kit as part of the workshop delivery.



Speak Out. Stay Safe SEND

A 6-session programme created with Image in Action where The NSPCC provides all the materials and resources with the flexibility to adapt frequency, length, and content of sessions to meet the needs of pupils.



Additional Free Resources.

We are also able to provide you with free videos and online seminars for parents and carers to discuss the apps and games children use and internet safety. We have lots of free additional resources you can use in your school such as PANTS and lessons plans for diversity and inclusion.





What next?

If you would like to access the Speak out. Stay safe. online programme and workshop, or any of our other free resources or to book in a guidance call to go through all the options and to sign a schools agreement, contact

Laura Franklin (she/her)

Schools Coordinator (Buckinghamshire & MK)

NSPCC Schools Service



You can also find out more by signing up here or for the SEND resources here.

I run a NSPCC schools service drop-in session on Microsoft Team’s at 3.30pm on the last Thursday of every month. Please feel free to join if you have any questions or would like a chat. Click here to join the meeting


Keeping children safe in Buckinghamshire 2020-21 factsheet (2)[150585].pdf

Keeping children safe in Buckinghamshire 2020-21 poster (1)[150586].pdf

Speak-out-stay-safe-online-programme-summary-document – FINAL[150584].pdf