To: Chairs of Governors

Sent on behalf of Tolis Vouyioukas, Corporate Director, Children’s Services Directorate

Dear Colleagues,

Firstly, thank you again for everything that you are doing. I know that your focus continues to be on making the right decisions for your staff and pupils and we are here to support you to do this as safely as possible.

Secondly, I would like to outline the direction of travel based on the information that we have at this present time which as always is subject to change.

In terms of primary schools, please continue to offer provision to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. The caveats are that this should be done in line with your risk assessments and the available space on your school site. If you are able to and it is safe to do so, I am also happy for you to offer provision to children from other year groups. For example, many pupils in year 5 would benefit from this.

For secondary schools, in line with government guidance, please make provision for pupils in Year 10 and Year 12. I am aware that you are being very creative in what you are planning and that the offer will be a mixture of face to face and virtual learning experiences.

For special schools, please continue to provide the flexibility needed for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. I am grateful and know that you are making a real difference for our vulnerable children.

It is important to remember that the decision to re-open an educational setting, or to invite additional year groups to attend, should only be taken after consulting the relevant national guidance and determining that the recommended protective measures can be implemented. All schools will have limits imposed by their buildings and workforce on the number of children they can safely accommodate, and recommendations relating to smaller class sizes and social distancing will inevitably reduce that capacity. While I share your commitment to get as many children as possible back to school, I also would not want any head teacher to feel pressured into creating an unsafe environment by bringing back more pupils than they can manage. If you have any questions about how to apply the guidance for educational settings to your own local circumstances you can consult our public health team at

Our thinking is now also focused on pupils that will be making a significant transition in September. This could be into school as well as between schools. I would therefore encourage any schools that are planning transition events to consider the following points:

• Mixing pupils from different schools and different bubbles/learning groups carries the risk of creating a large network through which infection could potentially spread;
• A risk assessment should be carried out to consider whether it would be better to replace a face-to-face event with virtual/online alternatives;
• If you feel that face-to-face event is necessary then social distancing guidance must be strictly followed, and other precautions such as separate entry and exit routes, single appointment slots, the availability of hand hygiene facilities and using your largest and most well-ventilated rooms for the event should be considered.

I would also like to remind you all of the range of support that exists across our schools and Children’s Services which I am sure you will continue to make best use of. This includes:

• Primary Education Board (PEB)
• Buckinghamshire Association of Secondary Headteachers (BASH)
• Special School Headteacher Group (SSHT)
• Buckinghamshire Association of School Governors (BASG)
• My leadership team in Children’s Services
• Our Educational Psychology service
• Public Health England
• Public Health Buckinghamshire

I am very proud of the quality of partnership working and information sharing that is currently taking place across our system. Working together is the best way of us moving through this crisis in the safest and most productive manner for our staff, pupils and each other.

You will be aware that the Government has referred to catch up programmes over the summer period. We are expecting additional information from the DfE on this issue. Before the announcement, I had discussed the notion of summer provision with the chairs of primary, secondary and special schools. The overwhelming message is that we will not be advocating this. I am very aware of the importance for staff to have a break over the summer and how working over August would provide the opportunity for this as well as all the necessary planning for September.

In addition, I was really pleased to be told that there is a Teacher Learning Day in early July on a very significant topic. I would encourage as many of you as possible to be part of this please.

Finally, it’s been only a few days since we heard the devastating news about the tragic murder of our colleague Bibaa Henry and her sister, Nicole. Bibaa was one of our social workers in Buckinghamshire who had been with us for a number of years. As a small way to begin to honour Bibaa’s memory, Aylesbury police station has invited any colleagues who wish to do so, to lay flowers or a card on the bench at the duck pond by the main front entrance of Aylesbury police station. Police station staff will collect any cards and flowers and keep them safely so they can be forwarded on to Bibaa’s family. This might be a way of gaining some comfort through honouring and remembering Bibaa at this very difficult time. We are also organising a book of condolences for our staff here at the council.

Thank you for all that you do and please take good care.

Best wishes.

Tolis Vouyioukas
Corporate Director
Children’s Services Directorate
Buckinghamshire Council

01296 383 104

The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF